Thank you for this excellent article destroying the narrative about "whistleblowers." These liars stole patient information and used it for their own gain, for malice towards children. Haim in particular had no association with TCH at the time and did not treat any of these children. Hope he goes to jail!!

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I am not a lawyer but am a librarian at a law firm with a trans kid who had Jamie Reed as his first case worker. She is indeed a liar and we very much want to sue, as do all the other parents I kniw that she dealt with. Unfortunately, HIPAA provides for no private right of action, meaning we as parents cannot sue her under HIPAA. Only the health care provider can sue for her taking their records of our PHI.

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Do you think there is anything you can sue over? Like negligence? I’ll defer to you as you certainly are a bit more familiar with the law (I just minored in it), and I’m sorry this happened. Patient data should have never been compromised like this, it’s a gross violation of privacy and has harmed the patient/ doctor relationship. I hope you find justice in any way you can.

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Negligence and/or privacy, maybe. The problem is litigation is costly (eg, $15k retainer) and time intensive. JR probably does not have much in the way of assets, which is what civil cases are about. Plus, I suspect she could find donors to help pay her legal fees. The only justice my wife and I have found is having an amazing well adjusted kid that knows we love him.

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I am currently doing a series on trans and gnc youth by interviewing them and discussing with them their opinions and perspectives on things. If you would like I could interview your son? Contact me at Kaanfight@gmail.com and I can set something up if you’re interested. I think he deserves to have a voice in all this.

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